Integrating Renewables into the Japanese Power Grid by 2030A frequency stability and load flow analysis of the Japanese system in response to high renewables penetration level

17 December 2018

in Japanese

Renewable Energy Institute and Agora Energiewende, today announced the publication of  “Integrating Renewables into the Japanese Power Grid by 2030”. 
This study, jointly conducted by Agora Energiewende and Renewable Energy Institute, investigates the impact of the integration of renewables in Japan on frequency stability and power flows.  It is based on a modelling and simulating tool chain of the Japanese power system developed for this project by Elia Grid International and Gridlab, which aims to facilitate independent third-party research.  The study compares two scenarios for the year 2030: the government’s target scenario, which provides for a renewable penetration level of 22-24% (64 GW solar and 10 GW wind), and a more ambitious scenario (100 GW solar and 36 GW wind).
The study not only provides new insights into grid stability in Japan, but also promotes data transparency.  We are firmly convinced that third party analysis on the basis of transparent data can contribute to a more robust discussion and ultimately raise societal awareness of the importance of energy transition.

*Executive summary released in December 2018, full study released in April 2019.

Key Insights

  1. 1.  The Japanese power system can accommodate a larger proportion of wind and solar energy than is currently provided for in the government’s 2030 targets, while still maintaining grid stability.
  3. 2. There already exist a number of technical measures to improve grid stability in situations where a high proportion of variable renewables could place a strain on grid operations.
  5. 3.   Integrated grid and resource planning can help mitigate the impact of wind and solar PV deployment on intraregional and interregional load flows.
  7. 4.  Non-discriminatory market regulations, enhanced transparency, and state-of-the-art operational and planning practices facilitate the integration of a higher proportion of variable renewables.


External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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