Our COVID-19 Preventive Measures

1 June 2020

in Japanese

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Renewable Energy Institute has taken the following preventive measures, with the highest priority given to the health and safety of all parties concerned and the staff members. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
1) Operating hours for telephone enquiries and visits:
 10:00-16:00 (Weekdays, Monday-Friday)
2) Recommendations of online meetings.
 Whenever possible, please arrange online meetings rather than visiting us at the office.
3) Meeting by visiting
 All visits need to be scheduled in advance. Please refrain from visiting us without an appointment
<Before your visit>
 ・Please check your physical condition and take your temperature before visiting.
 ・If you feel unwell, please contact us and reschedule your meeting.
<When visiting>
 ・Please sanitize your hands with alcohol for disinfection when entering the office reception.
 ・Please wear a mask during the meeting.
 ・For safety precautions, our staff members will wear masks during the meeting.


External Links

  • JCI 気候変動イニシアティブ
  • 自然エネルギー協議会
  • 指定都市 自然エネルギー協議会
  • irelp
  • 全球能源互联网发展合作组织

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